East West Orientation System
The east-west orientation installation scheme involves placing the solar panels parallele to the east-west axis of the building. theis configuration allows for a more balanced distribution of sunlight exposure throughtout the day. When the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. as it ensures optimal energy production throughtout the morning and afternoon.
Key benefits of the east- west orientaton:
• More uniform energy generation through the day.
• Roduced peak energy production during midday. potentially avoiding grid overload.
• Enhanced performance in areas with diffused or cloudy sunlight conditions.
South Flat Roof System
In the European region of the northern hemisphere, the installation of solar modules facging south is a commonly used solution. This configuration allows for very even distribution of sunlight irradiation throughout the day. When the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. it can irradiate the module surface evenly. because it can ensure optimal energy production throughout the morning and afternoon.
Some main advantages of south-facing installation:
• Produces more even energy throughout the day.
• Reducing peak energy production at noon may avoid overloading the gird.
• Enhanced performance in diffuse sunlight or cloudy conditons.